Do You Have A Work/Lifestyle Balance?
OR Simply Stuck in a Rut?

Could Becoming A Driving Instructor …..
Be A Solution For You?
Work Locally | Choose The Days and Hours You Work | Be Your Own Boss
At this very early stage, it’s just a thought!
But you may wish to explore further.
It’s not my intention to persuade or influence, but merely run the idea by you.
Many people request the book and after reading decide it’s not for them and that is exactly why I like to send the book out. At least you have explored the possibility and you can continue your search for a solution to your work/lifestyle balance.
However, many people also read the book and then wish to explore further by making a visit to the driving school HQ here in Bridgwater.
Should you wish to make a visit, you will have the opportunity to witness first-hand how the school is run and see how you would fit into the team once qualified.
We send a lot of books out to the local area each year and that helps us to find the new people who wish to pursue this career change and join us at the school.
Requesting the book has been life changing for over 100 local people during the past ten years and it might be life changing for you also!
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Simply add your postal details to the form and book will be sent the next day.
Whatever you decide, I appreciate your visit and hope you find what you are looking for.
Warm regards,
Kelvin White (Director Kelvin White Driving School.)
Explore the possibility with this FREE 60 page book
The book will cover the following:
The current situation in the industry
Qualification to become a driving instructor
The Pro’s and Con’s
What happens now you are qualified?
What’s it really like?
Real case studies from working driving instructors
Choice of tuition vehicle?
Personal satisfaction
Are you suitable?
Beware the hidden cost of cheap!