Lee is co-owner of the driving school and has been head trainer since November 2014 after completing a rigorous and very comprehensive Instructor Trainer program.

During 2016, Lee became the training manager for the whole school.  He is now training local people to become driving Instructors within our Ultimate Training Course of which he has completely restructured for the new qualifying process that was introduced by the DVSA in December 2017. He provides our ongoing development and business training to newly qualified instructors and regular updates and in-house training for our more experienced franchisees and employees.

During 2017, he completed the Train the Trainer Course and has now taught over ten qualified Driving Instructors from around the UK to also become Instructor Trainers.

Lee is not just the typical part time trainer deployed by many other training providers, he is co-owner with brother Andy, so very much has a vested interest in your development and future as a qualified driving instructor.