A few Words From A Small Selection Of Pete’s Students.

“I really liked that Kelvin White Driving School had planned timing. I also wanted to learn to drive properly.

I found learning to drive to be less stressful than I had first thought. My driving instructor Pete Wood had straight to the point teaching methods.

I will be recommending to others as they teach you everything you need to know. I really enjoyed learning to drive with Pete.”


James Godwin, Bridgwater.

“I chose Kelvin white Driving School because of their good credibility. I was also looking for a school to teach me to drive well and not just to pass the test.

Learning to drive met my expectations. My driving instructor Pete wood had very useful and informative teaching methods.

I will recommend to others as Pete taught me to drive correctly and confidently.”


Natalia Trunks, Bridgwater.

“The main reasons for choosing Kelvin White Driving school was because of their pass rate and having seen their positive reviews.

Learning to drive was much easier than I thought it would be, due to my driving instructor Pete Wood. Pete had very good teaching methods that were helpful and they really helped push me to my boundaries.

I will recommend to others as the teaching was very good and Pete was very friendly.”


Thomas Tanner, Bridgwater.