Driving Test Success

Congratulations To The Followng Students That have All Gained Their Independence.

You Could Be Next!
We love to showcase our students on their big day as they achieve independence.
If you are currently taking lessons with us, then this space will be yours very soon.
If you are thinking of taking lessons with us, then we would love to reserve a space for you too!

You Could Be Next!
We love to showcase our students on their big day as they achieve independence.
If you are currently taking lessons with us, then this space will be yours very soon.
If you are thinking of taking lessons with us, then we would love to reserve a space for you too!

Aniko Szilagyi of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Aniko Szilagyi of Bridgwater who passed her automatic practical driving test FIRST time February 10th!
Aniko, originally from Hungary breezed through the test and gained her independence at the first time of asking!
Well done on this great achievement, you have come a very long way from when we first met with how anxious and nervous you were, and today you went to test excited to take it! 😀
Best wishes and safe driving from driving instructor Andy White and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jennifer Rich-Williams from Bridgwater (North Petherton)
“Congratulations to Jennifer Rich-Williams from Bridgwater (North Petherton) on passing your practical driving test today with only 1 minor fault. A perfect, zero fault drive & just picked up 1 fault for reverse parking which I know has always been a big challenge for you..you should feel very proud of your achievement, well done!”
Best wishes and safe driving for the future from driving instructor Claire and all the customer services team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Gintare Saladziute of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Gintare Saladziute of Bridgwater who passed her automatic driving test with just 1 minor error on 7th January in Taunton.
A cracking start to 2025, Gintare will now look forward to buying her first car and begin enjoying her newfound freedom! Its all go for Gintare at the moment as she is closing in on buying her first flat. New licence, new car, new flat, the year doesn’t start much better than that!
Best wishes for the future and enjoy what was well earned from driving instructor Lee White and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Andrei Buzuleciu from Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Andrei Buzuleciu from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test in Taunton with only 1 minor fault!
A near perfect drive with lovely feedback from the examiner.
Enjoy the independence your licence will bring and have fun driving your family around!
Best wishes from driving instructor Claire and all the customer services staff at Kelvin White Driving School.

Maeve Cameron of Bridgwater (Puriton)
Congratulations to Maeve Cameron of Bridgwater (Puriton) on passing her practical driving test with ZERO faults on Monday 16th December.
Maeve quickly reached a high standard of driving and overcame her nerves to produce a flawless drive. Maeve is now looking forward to the freedom a full driving licence brings, going where she wants when she wants.
Congratulations Maeve, it has been a pleasure teaching you from driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the customer services team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Leah Taylor of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Leah Taylor of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test, on Saturday 30th November with a very good and confident drive, as commented by the examiner.
Leah quickly reached a high standard of driving and passed the practical test with a very good drive. Leah is now looking forward to the freedom a full driving licence brings, going where she wants when she wants, without having to bother Mum or Dad.
Well done and congratulations Leah, it has been a pleasure teaching you and I’ve really enjoyed our lessons from driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Nelcy Rodrigues of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Nelcy Rodrigues of Bridgwater who passed her automatic practical driving test November 9th.

Finn Hansford of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Finn Hansford of Bridgwater on passing his practical driving test today in Taunton at the 1st attempt..
Despite having some challenging moments on the test, not of your own making! you managed to deal with them well and produced a good drive.
Hope you enjoy the freedom being able to.drive brings..
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the customer services team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Esme Saunders of Bridgwater (North Petherton)
Congratulations to Esme Saunders of Bridgwater (North Petherton)on passing her practical driving test, at the FIRST attempt, on Thursday 7th November.
Esme is now looking forward to the freedom a full driving licence brings, going where she wants when she wants, without having to bother Mum or Dad.
Well done and congratulations Esme, it has been a pleasure teaching you and I’ve really enjoyed our lessons.
Best wishes for the future from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and the customer services team at Kelvin White Driving School.

You Could Be Next!
We love to showcase our students on their big day as they achieve independence.
If you are currently taking lessons with us, then this space will be yours very soon.
If you are thinking of taking lessons with us, then we would love to reserve a space for you too!

Oscar Mcmahon of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Oscar Mcmahon of Bridgwater on passing his driving test at the FIRST attempt on 30th October with just a single fault.
I know being able to drive is going to make your life so much easier getting to and from work and not having to rely on the trains.
Hope the search for a car goes well.
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the customer services team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Chamara Jayasinghe of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Chamara Jayasinghe of Bridgwater who passed his practical driving test at the FIRST attempt on 3rd September.
All the very best for the future and safe driving from your driving instructor Dom and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Keira Ingram of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Keira Ingram of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test at the first attempt on Wednesday 18th September.
Well done and congratulations Keira, it has been a pleasure teaching you and I’ve really enjoyed our lessons. Who am I going to talk to about cheese now?😂😂.
All the best from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Santa Mugun of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Santa Mugun of Bridgwater who passed her automatic practical driving test September 15th.

Maria Francis from Bridgwater.
Huge congratulations to Maria Francis from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test on the 1st attempt with only 1 minor fault.
Despite her nerves Maria completed a near perfect drive with lovely comments from the examiner. Now you can look forward to taking your Son out…Good luck car hunting.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Charlotte Turnbull from Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Charlotte Turnbull from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test on the first attempt.
Charlotte became a competent driver quickly and was very soon able to drive independently. Now you can drive yourself to work and enjoy the independence your licence brings.
All the very best from your driving instructor Claire and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

You Could Be Next!
We love to showcase our students on their big day as they achieve independence.
If you are currently taking lessons with us, then this space will be yours very soon.
If you are thinking of taking lessons with us, then we would love to reserve a space for you too!

Cristina Gibala of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Cristina Gibala of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test on Monday 19th August.
Cristina, through lots of hard work and determination, reached a high standard of driving and passed the practical test with a very good and confident drive, as commented by the examiner.
Cristina is now looking forward to going where she wants when she wants and on local day trips with her husband.
Well done and congratulations Cristina, it has been a pleasure teaching you and now all the effort and hard work has paid off.
All the best from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Shaun Buxton from Bridgwater
Congratulations to Shaun Buxton from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test with only 1 fault! on the 2nd August.
You held your nerve to produce a very impressive drive, your perseverance paid off, now you and your family can enjoy the freedom that having a licence brings, good luck in your hunt for a car!
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire and all the team at Kelvin White driving school.

Leo Cox of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Leo Cox of Bridgwater who passed his practical driving test at the first attempt with just one driver fault.
I hope you enjoy the freedom having a licence brings and are ready for all the lifts your going to need to give people now!
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all at Kelvin White Driving School.

Georgina Stubbings of Bridgwater.
Huge congratulations to Georgina Stubbings of Bridgwater who passed her practical driving test at the first attempt on 18th July with just one minor fault..
Busy mum of two, Georgina was a competent driver early on but struggled with nerves and confidence, her hard work to control this paid off with a very impressive drive. It was a pleasure to teach you & to see you finally gain your licence.
All the very best from your driving instructor Claire and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Lucy Manley of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Lucy Manley of Bridgwater who passed her practical driving test with ZERO faults.!! on the 16th July.
You done well to keep the nerves at bay and produce an excellent drive.
Hope to see you on the road soon.
All the best from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Elena Enachi of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Elena Enachi of Bridgwater who passed her practical driving test at the first attempt on 9th July.
Elena, who originates from Romania worked hard with her driving instructor Dom to overcome the language barrier and has now been rewarded with her full driving licence.
All the very best for the future from instructor Dom and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Phoebe Sullivan of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Phoebe Sullivan of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test on Thursday 4th July.
Phoebe quickly reached a high standard of driving and passed the practical test with a very good and confident drive, as commented by the examiner.
Phoebe is now looking forward to going wherever she wants when she wants without having to bother Mum or Dad for a lift.
A very good result Phoebe. Well done and congratulations from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and all at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jamie Brereton of Taunton
Congratulations to Jamie Brereton of Taunton on passing his practical driving test July 3rd at his 1st attempt!
Jamie was an enthusiastic student who prided himself on attention to detail and this showed with a test pass with just 1 minor fault!
Jamie is a Chef at Augustus and with a full licence can now be a taxi service to his partner and kids!
Happy driving mate!!
Best wishes from driving instructor Andy White and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Grace Sallis of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Grace Sallis of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test on Wednesday 3rd July at the first attempt.
Grace quickly reached a high standard of driving and passed with only one fault.
Grace is now looking forward to going wherever she wants when she wants and especially visiting her friends in Street.
An excellent result Grace. Well done and congratulation from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Olivia Savage of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Olivia Savage of Bridgwater who passed her practical driving test at the first attempt on 27th June.
Unfortunately Olivia experienced an unpleasant learning experience before starting again and we are delighted that this time she was able to complete her learning and gain that full licence.
Best wishes for the future from your driving instructor Dom and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Emily Johansson of Nether Stowey (Bridgwater)
Congratulations to Emily Johansson of Nether Stowey (Bridgwater) who passed her practical driving test at the first attempt on 21st June.
Emily had been taking lessons previously but unfortunately had a negative experience with her instructor who made her feel insignificant and constantly belittled her! Even raised his voice in an agressive manner.
Emily ceased lessons, but after some considerable time; decided to give it another try.
We are delighted that that her confidence has been restored and she has now gained her full licence and the independence that comes with it.
Best wishes for the future from your driving instructor Dom and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Rabia from Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Rabia, an amazing home cook from Bridgwater, on passing your practical driving test today in Taunton.
Rabia soon became a competent and independent driver, more focus was required in a couple of areas to make improvements but her hard work and resilience paid off and today, you have earned your independence with your new licence, I hope you enjoy it, it’s been a pleasure to tech you”.
All the best from your driving instructor Claire and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Trudie Darker of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Trudie Darker of Bridgwater who passed her practical test at the first attempt on 16th June.
Trudie is married with two boys and had a few lessons some 5 years ago, but her Driving Instructor at that time was; rude, obnoxious and shouted – which led her to giving up, and any hope of ever driving.
I am delighted that Trudie decided to try again and has now been able to pass and gain the independence that a driving licence will bring.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Dom and all the team here at Kelvin White driving school.

Leila Gharehbaghi from Bridgwater
Congratulations to Leila Gharehbaghi from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test on the 16th June.
Your perseverance and determination paid off, I have enjoyed teaching you and wish you well as your driving journey continues.
Good luck in the hunt for your Toyota Yaris from your driving instructor Claire and all the team at Kelvin White driving school.

Rabia from Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Rabia, an amazing home cook from Bridgwater, on passing your practical driving test today in Taunton.
Rabia soon became a competent and independent driver, more focus was required in a couple of areas to make improvements but her hard work and resilience paid off and today, you have earned your independence with your new licence, I hope you enjoy it, it’s been a pleasure to tech you”.
All the best from your driving instructor Claire and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jasmine Gardner of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Jasmine Gardner of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test 19th April.
Jasmine quickly reached a high standard of driving and passed the practical test on her first attempt with zero faults.
Jasmine is now looking forward to driving herself to university and wherever she wants when she wants.
An excellent result Jasmine, that can’t be beaten!!!
Best wishes from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Ebony Farrow from Bridgwater
Congratulations to Ebony Farrow from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test on 18th April.
Despite being very anxious you held your nerve to produce a very competent drive and you showed them you could do it!
It’s been a pleasure to teach you & I wish you luck in your search for a car”.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jayden Hurford of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Jayden Hurford of Bridgwater on passing his driving test in Taunton today at the very 1st attempt!
I hope you enjoy the freedom being able to drive brings and the search for a car goes well.
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Barry Samuels

You Could Be Next!
We love to showcase our students on their big day as they achieve independence.
If you are currently taking lessons with us, then this space will be yours very soon.
If you are thinking of taking lessons with us, then we would love to reserve a space for you too!

Barry Samuels

Jayden Hurford of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Jayden Hurford of Bridgwater on passing his driving test in Taunton today at the very 1st attempt!
I hope you enjoy the freedom being able to drive brings and the search for a car goes well.
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Marcelle Pee of Cannington
Congratulations to Marcelle Peel, a Mum of 3 young girls, from Cannington, on passing your practical driving test today with only 1 minor fault!
You should be proud of your achievement & I hope you enjoy the independence that your new licence will bring”.
All the best from your driving instructor Claire and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Cassie Turner from North Petherton, nr Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Cassie Turner from North Petherton, nr Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test March 26th with ZERO driving faults!!
Cassie was a competent driver from early on and managed her test day nerves really well to produce a truly faultless drive.
It’s been a pleasure to teach you, good luck in your hunt for a car, enjoy driving yourself to work and the independence your licence will bring.
Best wishes from driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Adam Cainey of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Adam Cainey of Bridgwater on passing his practical driving test in Taunton March 25th.
I hope the search for a car goes well and you enjoy the freedom being able to drive brings.
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Shanice Wherlock from Bridgwater.
Huge congratulations to Shanice Wherlock from Bridgwater for passing her automatic practical driving test March 25th on her 1st attempt with only 3 faults.
Shanice grew to be a very competent driver, today she held her nerve and produced an excellent drive.
It has been a pleasure teaching you, good luck car hunting and enjoy your new found independence.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Alin Shekh of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Alin Shekh of Bridgwater on passing his automatic practical driving test March 22nd with only 3 minor faults.
Alin soon became a competent driver and delivered a really good standard drive today.
Good luck in your hunt for a car and enjoy the freedom your licence will bring.
Best wishes from driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Stephenie Tsang from Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Stephenie Tsang from Bridgwater on passing her automatic practical driving test March 20th with only 3 minor faults.
Despite test day nerves Stephenie produced a very competent drive.
Now you can enjoy driving your Mini and enjoy getting out and about.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Sophie Munro, Bridgwater.
Huge congratulations to Sophie Munro of Bridgwater who passed her automatic practical driving test March 22nd with just a few minor errors.
Understandably nervous beforehand, Sophie managed to keep her nerves under control and produced an assured drive gaining very good feedback from her examiner.
It has been a pleasure to help you achieve your goal and with you all the very best for the future.
Happy driving from driving instructor Lee White and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Brandon Clapp of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Brandon Clapp of Bridgwater on passing his driving test in Taunton March 18th.
Despite having some ups and downs to get to this point you produced a very good drive with just a single driver fault!
I hope you enjoy the freedom having a licence brings
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Raquel Simoes of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Raquel Simoes of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test March 18th.
Raquel quickly reached a high standard of driving and passed the practical test on her first attempt!
Raquel is now looking forward to driving herself to work and having the music as loud as she wants.
Well done Raquel, a great result!!!
Best wishes from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Stacey Harvey of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Stacey Harvey of Bridgwater on passing her automatic practical driving test March 15th.
Stacey really held her nerve today to produce a confident drive.
Well done to you Stacey, I’ve enjoyed our chats, no more walking all the kids to school for you…enjoy your new freedom!
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jasper Reading of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Jasper Reading of Bridgwater on passing his practical driving test in Taunton March 14th at the very 1st attempt!
Despite some pre test nerves and getting used to a different car you produced a very good drive.
I hope you enjoy the freedom have a licence brings.
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jack Berry of Woolavington, Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Jack Berry of Woolavington, Bridgwater on passing his practical driving test March 1st in Taunton at the very 1st attempt.
Despite being very nervous Jack produced a very good drive incurring just a single driver fault!
All the best in the future from driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Paulina Sobieraj from Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Paulina Sobieraj from Bridgwater for passing her automatic practical driving test February 29th, with only 3 minor faults.
Despite her nerves Paulina managed to keep calm and produce an excellent drive.
Now you can look forward to driving your daughter to school in September, enjoy your independence!
Best wishes from driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Gerda Varzaite of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Gerda Varzaite of Bridgwater who passed her practical driving test on Thursday 22 February 2024.
Gerda managed to pass her test , despite having some pre test nerves and achieved a perfect drive with ZERO driving faults!!
Well done Gerda….outstanding work!! Your perseverance and determination paid off in the end.
Enjoy many hours of driving. Good luck with your future journeys and enjoy your new car.
Stay safe and enjoy the freedom….
It has been a pleasure to teach you.
Best wishes from driving instructor Paul Barlow and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Parinaz Chegin of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Parinaz Chegin of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test February 16th on her first attempt!
All your hard work and patience has paid off.
I hope you get the car you want and enjoy driving yourself around.
Best wishes for the future from driving instructor Justin Willson and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Dency John of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Dency John of Bridgwater who passed her automatic practical driving test on Saturday 10 February 2024.
Dency managed to pass her test, despite having some pre test nerves.
Well done Dency….outstanding work!!
Your perseverance and determination paid off in the end.
Enjoy many hours of driving. Good luck with your future journeys.
Stay safe and enjoy the freedom….
It has been a pleasure to teach you.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Paul Barlow and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.
We have loads more Test Pass Successes and Customer Reviews on our archive pages, if you would like to view, simply click the Link Button.

You Could Be Next!
We love to showcase our students on their big day as they achieve independence.
If you are currently taking lessons with us, then this space will be yours very soon.
If you are thinking of taking lessons with us, then we would love to reserve a space for you too!

Aniko Szilagyi of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Aniko Szilagyi of Bridgwater who passed her automatic practical driving test FIRST time February 10th!
Aniko, originally from Hungary breezed through the test and gained her independence at the first time of asking!
Well done on this great achievement, you have come a very long way from when we first met with how anxious and nervous you were, and today you went to test excited to take it! 😀
Best wishes and safe driving from driving instructor Andy White and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jennifer Rich-Williams from Bridgwater (North Petherton
“Congratulations to Jennifer Rich-Williams from Bridgwater (North Petherton) on passing your practical driving test today with only 1 minor fault. A perfect, zero fault drive & just picked up 1 fault for reverse parking which I know has always been a big challenge for you..you should feel very proud of your achievement, well done!”
Best wishes and safe driving for the future from driving instructor Claire and all the customer services team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Gintare Saladziute of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Gintare Saladziute of Bridgwater who passed her automatic driving test with just 1 minor error on 7th January in Taunton.
A cracking start to 2025, Gintare will now look forward to buying her first car and begin enjoying her newfound freedom! Its all go for Gintare at the moment as she is closing in on buying her first flat. New licence, new car, new flat, the year doesn’t start much better than that!
Best wishes for the future and enjoy what was well earned from driving instructor Lee White and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Andrei Buzuleciu from Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Andrei Buzuleciu from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test in Taunton with only 1 minor fault!
A near perfect drive with lovely feedback from the examiner.
Enjoy the independence your licence will bring and have fun driving your family around!
Best wishes from driving instructor Claire and all the customer services staff at Kelvin White Driving School.

Maeve Cameron of Bridgwater (Puriton)
Congratulations to Maeve Cameron of Bridgwater (Puriton) on passing her practical driving test with ZERO faults on Monday 16th December.
Maeve quickly reached a high standard of driving and overcame her nerves to produce a flawless drive. Maeve is now looking forward to the freedom a full driving licence brings, going where she wants when she wants, without having to bother Mum or Dad.
Well done and congratulations Maeve, it has been a pleasure teaching you and I’ve really enjoyed our lessons from driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the customer services team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Leah Taylor of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Leah Taylor of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test, on Saturday 30th November with a very good and confident drive, as commented by the examiner.
Leah quickly reached a high standard of driving and passed the practical test with a very good drive. Leah is now looking forward to the freedom a full driving licence brings, going where she wants when she wants, without having to bother Mum or Dad.
Well done and congratulations Leah, it has been a pleasure teaching you and I’ve really enjoyed our lessons from driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Nelcy Rodrigues of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Nelcy Rodrigues of Bridgwater who passed her automatic practical driving test November 9th.

Finn Hansford of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Finn Hansford of Bridgwater on passing his practical driving test today in Taunton at the 1st attempt..
Despite having some challenging moments on the test, not of your own making! you managed to deal with them well and produced a good drive.
Hope you enjoy the freedom being able to.drive brings..
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the customer services team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Esme Saunders of Bridgwater (North Petherton)
Congratulations to Esme Saunders of Bridgwater (North Petherton) on passing her practical driving test, at the FIRST attempt, on Thursday 7th November.
Esme is now looking forward to the freedom a full driving licence brings, going where she wants when she wants, without having to bother Mum or Dad.
Well done and congratulations Esme, it has been a pleasure teaching you and I’ve really enjoyed our lessons.
Best wishes for the future from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and the customer services team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Oscar Mcmahon of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Oscar Mcmahon of Bridgwater on passing his driving test at the FIRST attempt on 30th October with just a single fault.
I know being able to drive is going to make your life so much easier getting to and from work and not having to rely on the trains.
Hope the search for a car goes well.
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the customer services team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Chamara Jayasinghe of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Chamara Jayasinghe of Bridgwater who passed his practical driving test at the FIRST attempt on 3rd September.
All the very best for the future and safe driving from your driving instructor Dom and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Keira Ingram of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Keira Ingram of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test at the first attempt on Wednesday 18th September.
The examiner commented that it was a very confident and wonderful drive. Keira is now looking forward to going where she wants when she wants, without having to bother Mum or Dad. Also, visiting her horse, Skype, as often as she wants.
Well done and congratulations Keira, it has been a pleasure teaching you and I’ve really enjoyed our lessons. Who am I going to talk to about cheese now?😂😂.
All the best from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Santa Mugun of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Santa Mugun of Bridgwater who passed her automatic practical driving test September 15th.

Maria Francis from Bridgwater.
Huge congratulations to Maria Francis from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test on the 1st attempt with only 1 minor fault.
Despite her nerves Maria completed a near perfect drive with lovely comments from the examiner. Now you can look forward to taking your Son out…Good luck car hunting.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Charlotte Turnbull from Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Charlotte Turnbull from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test on the first attempt.
Charlotte became a competent driver quickly and was very soon able to drive independently. Now you can drive yourself to work and enjoy the independence your licence brings.
All the very best from your driving instructor Claire and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Cristina Gibala of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Cristina Gibala of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test on Monday 19th August.
Cristina, through lots of hard work and determination, reached a high standard of driving and passed the practical test with a very good and confident drive, as commented by the examiner.
Cristina is now looking forward to going where she wants when she wants and on local day trips with her husband.
Well done and congratulations Cristina, it has been a pleasure teaching you and now all the effort and hard work has paid off.

Shaun Buxton from Bridgwater
Congratulations to Shaun Buxton from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test with only 1 fault! on the 2nd August.
You held your nerve to produce a very impressive drive, your perseverance paid off, now you and your family can enjoy the freedom that having a licence brings, good luck in your hunt for a car!
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire and all the team at Kelvin White driving school.

Leo Cox of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Leo Cox of Bridgwater who passed his practical driving test at the first attempt with just one driver fault.
I hope you enjoy the freedom having a licence brings and are ready for all the lifts your going to need to give people now!
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all at Kelvin White Driving School.

Georgina Stubbings of Bridgwater.
Huge congratulations to Georgina Stubbings of Bridgwater who passed her practical driving test at the first attempt on 18th July with just one minor fault..
Busy mum of two, Georgina was a competent driver early on but struggled with nerves and confidence, her hard work to control this paid off with a very impressive drive. It was a pleasure to teach you & to see you finally gain your licence.
All the very best from your driving instructor Claire and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Lucy Manley of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Lucy Manley of Bridgwater who passed her practical driving test with ZERO faults.!! on the 16th July.
You done well to keep the nerves at bay and produce an excellent drive.
Hope to see you on the road soon.
All the best from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Elena Enachi of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Elena Enachi of Bridgwater who passed her practical driving test at the first attempt on 9th July.
Elena, who originates from Romania worked hard with her driving instructor Dom to overcome the language barrier and has now been rewarded with her full driving licence.
All the very best for the future from instructor Dom and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Phoebe Sullivan of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Phoebe Sullivan of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test on Thursday 4th July.
Phoebe quickly reached a high standard of driving and passed the practical test with a very good and confident drive, as commented by the examiner.
Phoebe is now looking forward to going wherever she wants when she wants without having to bother Mum or Dad for a lift.
A very good result Phoebe. Well done and congratulations from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and all at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jamie Brereton of Taunton
Congratulations to Jamie Brereton of Taunton on passing his practical driving test July 3rd at his 1st attempt!
Jamie was an enthusiastic student who prided himself on attention to detail and this showed with a test pass with just 1 minor fault!
Jamie is a Chef at Augustus and with a full licence can now be a taxi service to his partner and kids!
Happy driving mate!!
Best wishes from driving instructor Andy White and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Grace Sallis of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Grace Sallis of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test on Wednesday 3rd July at the first attempt.
Grace quickly reached a high standard of driving and passed with only one fault.
Grace is now looking forward to going wherever she wants when she wants and especially visiting her friends in Street.
An excellent result Grace. Well done and congratulation from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Olivia Savage of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Olivia Savage of Bridgwater who passed her practical driving test at the first attempt on 27th June.
Unfortunately Olivia experienced an unpleasant learning experience before starting again and we are delighted that this time she was able to complete her learning and gain that full licence.
Best wishes for the future from your driving instructor Dom and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Emily Johansson of Nether Stowey (Bridgwater)
Congratulations to Emily Johansson of Nether Stowey (Bridgwater) who passed her practical driving test at the first attempt on 21st June.
Emily had been taking lessons previously but unfortunately had a negative experience with her instructor who made her feel insignificant and constantly belittled her! Even raised his voice in an agressive manner.
Emily ceased lessons, but after some considerable time; decided to give it another try.
We are delighted that that her confidence has been restored and she has now gained her full licence and the independence that comes with it.
Best wishes for the future from your driving instructor Dom and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Trudie Darker of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Trudie Darker of Bridgwater who passed her practical test at the first attempt on 16th June.
Trudie is married with two boys and had a few lessons some 5 years ago, but her Driving Instructor at that time was; rude, obnoxious and shouted – which led her to giving up, and any hope of ever driving.
I am delighted that Trudie decided to try again and has now been able to pass and gain the independence that a driving licence will bring.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Dom and all the team here at Kelvin White driving school.

Leila Gharehbaghi from Bridgwater
Congratulations to Leila Gharehbaghi from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test on the 16th June.
Your perseverance and determination paid off, I have enjoyed teaching you and wish you well as your driving journey continues.
Good luck in the hunt for your Toyota Yaris from your driving instructor Claire and all the team at Kelvin White driving school.

Rabia from Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Rabia, an amazing home cook from Bridgwater, on passing your practical driving test today in Taunton.
Rabia soon became a competent and independent driver, more focus was required in a couple of areas to make improvements but her hard work and resilience paid off and today, you have earned your independence with your new licence, I hope you enjoy it, it’s been a pleasure to tech you”.
All the best from your driving instructor Claire and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jasmine Gardner of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Jasmine Gardner of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test 19th April.
Jasmine quickly reached a high standard of driving and passed the practical test on her first attempt with zero faults.
Jasmine is now looking forward to driving herself to university and wherever she wants when she wants.
An excellent result Jasmine, that can’t be beaten!!!
Best wishes from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Ebony Farrow from Bridgwater
Congratulations to Ebony Farrow from Bridgwater on passing your practical driving test on 18th April.
Despite being very anxious you held your nerve to produce a very competent drive and you showed them you could do it!
It’s been a pleasure to teach you & I wish you luck in your search for a car”.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jayden Hurford of Bridgwater
Congratulations to Jayden Hurford of Bridgwater on passing his driving test in Taunton today at the very 1st attempt!
I hope you enjoy the freedom being able to drive brings and the search for a car goes well.
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Barry Samuels

Marcelle Peel of Cannington, near Bridgwater
Congratulations to Marcelle Peel, a Mum of 3 young girls, from Cannington, on passing your practical driving test today with only 1 minor fault!
You should be proud of your achievement & I hope you enjoy the independence that your new licence will bring”.
All the best from your driving instructor Claire and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Cassie Turner from North Petherton, nr Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Cassie Turner from North Petherton, nr Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test March 26th with ZERO driving faults!!
Cassie was a competent driver from early on and managed her test day nerves really well to produce a truly faultless drive.
It’s been a pleasure to teach you, good luck in your hunt for a car, enjoy driving yourself to work and the independence your licence will bring.
Best wishes from driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Adam Cainey of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Adam Cainey of Bridgwater on passing his practical driving test in Taunton March 25th.
I hope the search for a car goes well and you enjoy the freedom being able to drive brings.
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Shanice Wherlock from Bridgwater.
Huge congratulations to Shanice Wherlock from Bridgwater for passing her automatic practical driving test March 25th on her 1st attempt with only 3 faults.
Shanice grew to be a very competent driver, today she held her nerve and produced an excellent drive.
It has been a pleasure teaching you, good luck car hunting and enjoy your new found independence.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Alin Shekh of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Alin Shekh of Bridgwater on passing his automatic practical driving test March 22nd with only 3 minor faults.
Alin soon became a competent driver and delivered a really good standard drive today.
Good luck in your hunt for a car and enjoy the freedom your licence will bring.
Best wishes from driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Stephenie Tsang from Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Stephenie Tsang from Bridgwater on passing her automatic practical driving test March 20th with only 3 minor faults.
Despite test day nerves Stephenie produced a very competent drive.
Now you can enjoy driving your Mini and enjoy getting out and about.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Sophie Munro of Bridgwater.
Huge congratulations to Sophie Munro of Bridgwater who passed her automatic practical driving test March 22nd with just a few minor errors.
Understandably nervous beforehand, Sophie managed to keep her nerves under control and produced an assured drive gaining very good feedback from her examiner.
It has been a pleasure to help you achieve your goal and with you all the very best for the future.
Happy driving from driving instructor Lee White and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Brandon Clapp of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Brandon Clapp of Bridgwater on passing his driving test in Taunton March 18th.
Despite having some ups and downs to get to this point you produced a very good drive with just a single driver fault!
I hope you enjoy the freedom having a licence brings
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Raquel Simoes of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Raquel Simoes of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test March 18th.
Raquel quickly reached a high standard of driving and passed the practical test on her first attempt!
Raquel is now looking forward to driving herself to work and having the music as loud as she wants.
Well done Raquel, a great result!!!
Best wishes from your driving instructor Andrew Villis and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Stacey Harvey of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Stacey Harvey of Bridgwater on passing her automatic practical driving test March 15th.
Stacey really held her nerve today to produce a confident drive.
Well done to you Stacey, I’ve enjoyed our chats, no more walking all the kids to school for you…enjoy your new freedom!
Best wishes from your driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jasper Reading of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Jasper Reading of Bridgwater on passing his practical driving test in Taunton March 14th at the very 1st attempt!
Despite some pre test nerves and getting used to a different car you produced a very good drive.
I hope you enjoy the freedom have a licence brings.
All the best in the future from your driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Jack Berry of Woolavington, Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Jack Berry of Woolavington, Bridgwater on passing his practical driving test March 1st in Taunton at the very 1st attempt.
Despite being very nervous Jack produced a very good drive incurring just a single driver fault!
All the best in the future from driving instructor Steve Gwinnell and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Paulina Sobieraj from Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Paulina Sobieraj from Bridgwater for passing her automatic practical driving test February 29th, with only 3 minor faults.
Despite her nerves Paulina managed to keep calm and produce an excellent drive.
Now you can look forward to driving your daughter to school in September, enjoy your independence!
Best wishes from driving instructor Claire Pendlebury and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Gerda Varzaite of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Gerda Varzaite of Bridgwater who passed her practical driving test on Thursday 22 February 2024.
Gerda managed to pass her test , despite having some pre test nerves and achieved a perfect drive with ZERO driving faults!!
Well done Gerda….outstanding work!! Your perseverance and determination paid off in the end.
Enjoy many hours of driving. Good luck with your future journeys and enjoy your new car.
Stay safe and enjoy the freedom….
It has been a pleasure to teach you.
Best wishes from driving instructor Paul Barlow and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.

Parinaz Chegin of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Parinaz Chegin of Bridgwater on passing her practical driving test February 16th on her first attempt!
All your hard work and patience has paid off.
I hope you get the car you want and enjoy driving yourself around.
Best wishes for the future from driving instructor Justin Willson and all the team here at Kelvin White Driving School.

Dency John of Bridgwater.
Congratulations to Dency John of Bridgwater who passed her automatic practical driving test on Saturday 10 February 2024.
Dency managed to pass her test, despite having some pre test nerves.
Well done Dency….outstanding work!!
Your perseverance and determination paid off in the end.
Enjoy many hours of driving. Good luck with your future journeys.
Stay safe and enjoy the freedom….
It has been a pleasure to teach you.
Best wishes from your driving instructor Paul Barlow and all the team at Kelvin White Driving School.