Kelvin White Driving School Owner

Kelvin White Driving School Owner

Customer Services Sandra

Customer Services Sandra

Customer Services Andy copy

Customer Services Andy

Lee White

Lee White Instructor Trainer


01823 765013

01823 765013

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Meet the Taunton Team

Welcome to our our team of fully qualified and hardworking driving Instructors who are waiting to deliver your driving licence. Meet the Taunton Team

We are a local and family run Driving School business operating on your doorstep. Pictured above are Driving School owner and founder Kelvin White along with wife Sandra and son Andy who make up our customer services team. Oldest son Lee is head of our instructor training program and he turns the general public into driving instructors and takes care of internal instructor development.

All of our local Driving Instructors are fully qualified and CRB checked for your safety.

They will all deliver client centred Driving lessons to ensure you gain the maximum benefit from each lesson and a full report will be available with details of what topics were covered, what progress was made and any areas of weakness to be addressed. You will sign each lesson sheet to confirm start and finish times along with next lesson confirmation to eliminate any uncertainty.

Nigel Rolls Driving Instructor

Nigel Rolls Driving Instructor

Nigel is one of our senior Driving Instructors having joined the Driving School in July 2009.

In addition to covering the Taunton area, Nigel also covers his home town of Ilminster and Chard.

Below you can read a small selection of what his customers have to say regarding his tuition and customer service.

Customer Review Ilminster Alastair Horne

Customer Review Ilminster Alastair Horne

“I took recommendations from my friends on who to learn to drive with very seriously. My Driving Instructor Nigel Rolls and had very useful teaching methods and in particular where the manoeuvres were concerned which made them simple to remember. I felt very prepared for my test and went into it with a great deal of confidence due to my tuition.”

Alastair Horne of Ilminster

Customer Reviews Taunton Charlie-White

Customer Reviews Taunton Charlie-White


“My experience of learning to drive with Kelvin White Driving School was fab!!! My Driving Instructor was Nigel Rolls and he made every lesson so enjoyable as well as having brilliant teaching methods to make everything seem easy. I was looking for a kind Instructor of which Nigel certainly was and to have lessons with a Driving School with an excellent pass rate.”

Charlie White of Taunton.

Customer Reviews Ilminster Rebecca-Black

Customer Reviews Ilminster Rebecca-Black

“I chose Kelvin White Driving School because one of the main factors for me when choosing who to learn to drive with, was that I wanted to get my licence as soon as possible!! This was definitely achieved because of my Driving Instructor Nigel Rolls’ simple but brilliant teaching methods that I found so effective in my learning. Based on this I would recommend the School to others because of my experience where I learnt to drive extremely quickly and effectively.”

Rebecca Black of Ilminster.

Customer Reviews Ilmister Sam-Gooch

Customer Reviews Ilmister Sam-Gooch

“Kelvin White Driving School has a very good pass rate and also 1st time pass rate so that is mainly why I chose to learn to drive with them. In addition to that they have a very good reputation! I found learning to drive fairly straight forward largely due to my Driving Instructor Nigel Rolls’ having clear, straightforward and effective methods of teaching that did not leave me feeling overwhelmed. I will be recommending the School to others as they are a very reputable Driving School.”

Sam Gooch of Ilminster (Ashill)

Driving Instructor Mike Jenks

Driving Instructor Mike Jenks


Mike is one of our longest serving Driving Instructors having been with the Driving School since September 2010.

In addition to covering the Taunton area, Mike also covers his home town of Wellington and Wiveliscombe.

Below you can read a small selection of what his customers have to say regarding his tuition and customer service.

Customer ReviewTaunton Henry glide

Customer ReviewTaunton Henry glide

“Kelvin White Driving School has a good reputation which is what made my mind up when choosing who to trust with my tuition. It was also good for them to have availability at short notice.   My driving experience turned out to be better than I had anticipated with my Driving Instructor Mike Jenks’ giving very clear instruction and being very patient. Due to my pleasant experience I will be recommending the School to others.”

Harry Glide of Taunton (Fivehead)

Customer Reviews Taunton Emily-Cobb

Customer Reviews Taunton Emily-Cobb

“One of the major factors for me when choosing a Driving School and Instructor was that they would need to be patient with me. My Instructor Mike Jenks definitely was, also being understanding, thorough and very knowledgable of all aspects he was to teach. He also made learning to drive very enjoyable! The School were recommended to me and I knew they also have very good pass rates, offering great value for money.”

Emily Cobb of Taunton (Norton Fitzwarren)

Customer Reviews Taunton Josh-Cridlin

Customer Reviews Taunton Josh-Cridlin

“For me an Instructor that I would learn with would need to be friendly, always happy to help, patient and respectful. This is exactly what my Instructor Mike Jenks’ was. Mike had very good teaching methods and he worked with me at a suitable pace and was very understanding. Everyone at the school was very helpful and made me feel very welcome!!.”

Joshua Cridlin of Taunton

Customer Reviews Taunton Bobby-Meigh

Customer Reviews Taunton Bobby-Meigh

“Excellent value for money and a very high pass rate is what caught my when researching who I was going to trust with my tuition. I was also looking for my allocated Driving Instructor to be friendly and local to me. My Instructor was Mike Jenks and I found learning to drive with him to be easier than I had anticipated.  He was very laid back but remained professional throughout! I have already recommended the School and Mike who was amazing to others, due to the excellent instructors and everything about my experience was what I needed, brilliant!!!”

Bobby Meigh of Taunton

Paul Harrison Driving Instructor

Paul Harrison Driving Instructor

Paul has been with the driving School since May 2012 and in addition to covering Taunton, he also covers his home town of Chard and Ilminster.

Below you can read a small selection of what his customers have to say regarding his tuition and customer service.

Customer Reviews Taunton Chantel-Mallett

Customer Reviews Taunton Chantel-Mallett

“An important factor for me when choosing a Driving School and Instructor was that I would feel at ease with them during lessons, being understanding and patient. My Instructor was Paul Harrison and I thought he was fantastic. He was great with me and seemed perfect particularly if you have anxiety or a severe lack of confidence!! My whole experience was excellent, I couldn’t have wished for better!!”

Chantel Mallett of Taunton

Customer Review Taunton Samantha-merry

Customer Review Taunton Samantha-merry

“The positive ratings and good pass rate I saw interested me when choosing which School to learn with. I was also very keen to have an Instructor who was reliable. I found the experience of learning to drive to be enjoyable. My Driving Instructor Paul Harrison was brilliant and his teaching methods made everything seem a lot easier to deal with!! Paul was amazing and so patient, he is a credit to the team and there is nothing I would have changed about my experience.”

Sammie Merry of Taunton

Customer Reviews Ilminster Justin-Wood

Customer Reviews Ilminster Justin-Wood

“A friend recommended Kelvin White Driving School to me.” “My Instructor was Paul Harrison who was very good and had a mix of calm demeanour with a sense of humour.” “Paul is a decent chap which makes taking his advice easier.” “He doesn’t judge and teaches practically, a very positive person.” “The job was carried out in a pleasant manner, many thanks for your help and guidance.”

 Justin Wood, Ilminster


Customer Reviews Ilminster Constance-Black

Customer Reviews Ilminster Constance-Black

“I loved my Instructors teaching methods!!!” “My Instructor was Paul Harrison and I found him to be very good at adapting to the individuals abilities.” “Learning to drive was more fun than I had anticipated ti would be and this is one of the reasons I have already recommended the School to friends because of my experience of finding the School to be very friendly including the office staff, good teaching methods and you feel welcome and wanted.”

 Connie Black, Chard


Driving Instructor Dave Hemming

Driving Instructor Dave Hemming

Dave has been with the driving School since September 2013 and in addition to covering Taunton, he also covers the Wellington area.

Below you can read a small selection of what his customers have to say regarding his tuition and customer service.

Customer Reviews Taunton Madison-Bryant

Customer Reviews Taunton Madison-Bryant

“I made up my mind of who I was going to learn with after hearing good reports about the School.” “My Instructor was Dave Hemming and he was very very good.” “Dave has his own way of teaching which for me was totally relaxed and easy to remember.” “I would recommend the School as Dave makes you feel relaxed and inspires you to pass.” “He is also very easy to get along with making learning fun.”

 Maddison Bryant, Taunton


Customer Reviews Wellington Angus-Mc-Cauley

Customer Reviews Wellington Angus-Mc-Cauley

When I had a look at Kelvin White Driving School I saw that they had a very high pass rate and in addition to this I had many friends recommend them to me. My Driving Instructor David Hemming had good teaching methods that were easy to follow and I would definitely recommend the School to others to use.”

Angus MacAuley of Wellington

Customer Review Wellington Joanna-Wallace-Beecham

Customer Review Wellington Joanna-Wallace-Beecham

“My brother used Kelvin White Driving School as his training provider and it proved very successful so that made up my mind who I was going to trust as mine.” At first I found learning to drive to be nerve raking but soon after a few lessons I was really enjoying it and finding it exciting. My Driving Instructor Dave Hemming had very simple teaching methods which were clear and easy for me to understand. I have and will be recommending the School and my Instructor to others because of my experience as everything was made simple for me to do.”

Joanna Wallace of wellington

Customer Reviews Wellington James-Chubb

Customer Reviews Wellington James-Chubb

“Kelvin White Driving School came to me highly recommended.!! I found my experience of learning to drive to be better than I anticipated which was a nice surprise. My Driving Instructor David Hemming had very helpful teaching methods and was very efficient in the way he taught. I will be recommending the School to others because of the efficient helpful service I received.” James Chubb, Wellington

James Chubb of Wellington

Driving Instructor Rob Collins

Driving Instructor Rob Collins

Rob joined the Driving School in September 2014 and covers both the Taunton and Bridgwater areas.

Below you can read a small selection of what his customers have to say regarding his tuition and customer service.

Customer Review Taunton Nathan-Stubbs

Customer Review Taunton Nathan-Stubbs

Kelvin white Driving School had Instructors who were flexible for lesson times that suited me. My experience of learning to drive was less daunting than I had anticipated it would be largely due to my Driving Instructor Rob Collins. Rob had fantastic teaching methods and was very approachable and friendly. My experience from start to finish ran smoothly with no problems and it was also very simple to register and get started.”

Nathan Stubbs of Taunton

Customer reviews Taunton Jamie-Girton

Customer reviews Taunton Jamie-Girton

“My Driving Instructor Rob Collins was a very good. He was patient with me and each lesson he set an objective for us to achieve. Rob was very professional and gave me confidence from his teaching methods used. From his instruction I felt ready when my test came around and this helped me to pass my test first time!!”

Jamie Girton of Taunton

Driving Instructor Steve Hales

Driving Instructor Steve Hales

Steve has been with the driving School since December  2014 and in addition to covering Taunton, he also covers the Wellington area.

Below you can read a small selection of what his customers have to say regarding his tuition and customer service.

customer Reviews Taunton Jiraphan-Ford

customer Reviews Taunton Jiraphan-Ford

“My mind was made up when choosing who to learn to drive with based on recommendations. My Driving Instructor was Steve Hales and he made learning to drive very chilled and relaxed which helped build my confidence and enjoyment during our lessons. He had very good teaching methods that I could pick up easily and because of my experience with Kelvin White Driving School I will be recommending them to others too. I would not have changed anything about my experience, it was perfect!!!”

Jiraphan Ford of Taunton

Customer Reviews Taunton Matthew-Dyer

Customer Reviews Taunton Matthew-Dyer

“Good quality tuition was the highest priority on my list when I was choosing who to trust with my tuition and that’s exactly what I received!! I would recommend the School to others because of the outstanding level of teaching I received from my Driving Instructor Steve Hales. He had very good and easy to understand teaching methods which all helped in me achieving my goal, there is nothing I would have changed about my experience!!”

Matthew Dyer of Taunton

Customer Reviews Taunton Kim Hawes

Customer Reviews Taunton Kim Hawes

“I found my lessons to be more enjoyable than I had anticipated they would be. My Driving Instructor was Steve Hales and he was brilliant, being very patient and would always explain himself very clearly! I was looking for a good quality of lessons when searching who to learn with and I definitely received this and in addition to this I was also looking for a School with a good reputation. I received great service so would recommend to others and in my opinion Steve is a great Instructor!!

Kim Hawes of Taunton

Customer Reviews Taunton Lobeth-Tanguanco

Customer Reviews Taunton Lobeth-Tanguanco

“The great customer reviews about the School are what caught my eye. Learning to drive wasn’t that difficult due to my Driving Instructor Steve Hales’ having well planned out lessons that were based on my experience and abilities. This helped me to progress and successfully gain my full licence and freedom. I found the lessons to be priced nicely and Steve was a friendly competent Instructor.”

Lobeth Tanguanco of Taunton

Driving Instructor Jo Woodland

Driving Instructor Jo Woodland

Jo has been with the driving School since January 2015 and in addition to covering Taunton, she also covers the North Curry area.

Below you can read a small selection of what her customers have to say regarding his tuition and customer service.

Customer Review Taunton Zak-Elogab

Customer Review Taunton Zak-Elogab

“81 % 1st time pass rate sounded great!! I was looking for the staff of the School to be friendly and that I would feel comfortable throughout my driving. My experience of learning to drive was better than I had expected. I enjoyed every lesson and at no stage did I feel worried. My Driving Instructor was Jo Woodland and she was fantastic!! I wouldn’t have wanted to be taught by anyone else!! I will be recommended the School to others due to the friendly staff and very helpful customer services team, thank you!!”

Zak Elogab of Taunton

Customer Reviews Taunton Tyler-Concannon

Customer Reviews Taunton Tyler-Concannon

“Reliability and approachability of instructors was key for me when researching who to trust with my tuition. In addition to this I was looking for professionalism, a school with a high pass rate and reputation.   At first I found learning to drive to be nerve-racking at the thought of it, but my Driving Instructor Jo Woodland was very good, thorough and gave instruction that was very simple to follow. She was efficient, helpful and thorough in her work to get me to where I am now!!”

Tyler Concannon of Taunton

Customer Reviews Taunton Laura-Woodley

Customer Reviews Taunton Laura-Woodley

“I chose Kelvin White Driving School because of the popularity of the School combined with the excellent pass rates they have!!Friendliness of the instructors and their teaching methods were also high on my priority list when choosing who to learn with. My Driving Instructor Jo Woodland was very friendly, calm and informative so it ticked the boxes I was looking for. She was also very accurate and we got on really well so I was very happy. I would recommend the School to others because of the good tuition, instructor friendliness and a nice little touch was my pass certificate in the post in addition to a congratulations post on my Facebook wall and the School website!”

Laura Woodley of Taunton

Customer Reviews Taunton Jack-Adams

Customer Reviews Taunton Jack-Adams

“There were many good customer reviews that I saw about Kelvin White Driving School which is why I chose them. I found learning to drive to be much easier than I had anticipated largely due to my Instructor Jo Woodland having very good teaching methods that were easy to understand and it was a way in which I like to learn. I received very good customer service and feel I picked up what was required for life on the road very quickly!!

Jack Adams of Taunton

Driving Instructor Laura Jones

Driving Instructor Laura Jones

Laura has recently returned to the Driving School after maternity leave and it’s good to have her back on the Taunton team.

Below you can read a small selection of what her customers have to say regarding his tuition and customer service.

Customer Reviews Taunton Johanna Garrett

Customer Reviews Taunton Johanna Garrett

“Laura you have been a great driving instructor, you have always been helpful, and very understanding, laid back and i felt very comfortable and at ease with you. I’m so glad i picked to go with kelvin white and glad i had you to teach me :). I will defo be recommending kelvin whites company. Thank you so much for all your help with me passing my test FIRST TIME !!

Johanna Garrett of Taunton.

Driving Instructor Carolyn Coulter

Driving Instructor Carolyn Coulter

Carolyn has just recently joined the Driving School after moving to the area and covers Taunton and her home town of Minehead.

Carolyn currently has several students close to test and her customer reviews will follow as soon as they come through.